im about to block this kid im so fucking annoyed as shit
MarvelousMare somewhere around the globe
im about to block this kid im so fucking annoyed as shit
@ArlRoastExposed @nlyakk why u even makin shit up to just get involved, you don't even go to this school
lets get this shit poppin bloood
I get treated worse than the nighas who cheated lol shit funny
Oh shit, is perfect
KingFelocka Kingston, Ontario
@GameBattles Your staff/Admin on the website are complete shit then dont even take time to actually view tickets
lmao this why I be needing woods cus did school shit just sum else
I can't with that fake shit, I just can't..
so get me in on thsi shit alrdy cuz sick of it not even right
sergemoise2 EveryWhere
@DRedwingsfan40 get a life before say shit about someone who's better than you in every way
If you dont wanna be with someone anymore just tell them and move on..dont be doing shady shit on the side..grow up and be honest.
_Caliikidd Los Angeles - The 6 - London
It doesn't take much for us to do this shit quietly, I mean !?
Yanks4Carolyn Florence Mississippi
We've had a POTUS that has shoved crap down our throats for a long time. Now our own party is trying to do the exact same. #outnumbered
ssspaced a hood near u
Imma just dye my hair a solid color fuck this shit
why buy Moschino when you can carry your shit in an empty Windex bottle?
KingBreadHead Swin Block 110 109
Deleting this shit in 5 4 3 2 1
_rednecktified Kansas ➡️ Iowa
You gon text the shit outta him.
KamakaZaky Cape Town
@realDonaldTrump I think the world would be grateful. You piece of shit.
FLAWLESSIRENE91 tommorowland°
me: please don't notice me
me: please don't notice me
me: please don't notice me
me: please don't notice me
person: HEEYYY
me: SHIT
FreshRiley ひ
He really be on some shit yo
babyygabss KS ✈️Co✈️ SoCal ☀
Like do you not realize while you're talking shit on me I'm literally living my dreams and traveling all over the country.
@FOREVER_Sixteen silly Shit 😂
But how's mandie gonna say shit like that about someone. Personal shit like that? Nah I wouldn't let that shit run
FlameSuccubus Hell
Don't know, you're a loser. I would've given up months ago if I were in your shoes, you pathetic shit.
sorinaraduPKMN seattle
Why did my body choose today to crap out on me? Thanks. 😒
CaraAlohaOwen Silverton, OR
I'm sorry.... Weren't you the one that watched me beat the shit out of your best friend?😂😂👏
TheSpoonyOne Aurora, IL
You're really quite shit at this social media thing, you know that, @realDonaldTrump?
Might just pack up my shit & move to Boston.
@politico @SarahPalinUSA @MittRomney @realDonaldTrump @MittRomney what a piece of shit you are mitt> role tape>>
Lippus_Spencer Sandusky, OH➡️Athens, OH
@schmeeeeeeeeeds last night wasn't shit lol
Is Crapulent
Created: 3 Mar 2016